Sued By Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC In New York or New Jersey?

By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: You have just been served was a summons and complaint.  Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC is suing you for an old debt. WHO IS PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC?: Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC is an infamous “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies […]

Questions You Should Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ultrices pretium lorem at vestibulum. Suspendisse volutpat rhoncus dictum. Duis id odio eu augue eleifend elementum. Etiam faucibus congue imperdiet. Quisque nec nisl vitae mi eleifend pharetra sit amet id quam. Fusce gravida luctus pulvinar. Quisque non ante vitae est rhoncus tincidunt. In justo risus, fermentum […]

Sued By Palisades Collection, LLC In New York or New Jersey?

By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: You have just been served was a summons and complaint.  Palisades Collection, LLC or its affiliate debt buyer Palisades Acquisition XVI, LLC is suing you for an old debt. WHO IS PALISADES COLLECTION, LLC?: Palisades Collection, LLC is a debt collection agency who often collects consumer debts on behalf of its affiliate Palisades Acquisition XVI, […]

Who is the Least Sophisticated Consumer?

By: Robert J. Nahoum   THE PROBLEM: You’ve fallen behind on bills and get a debt collection letter from a lawyer.  The letter says that if you don’t pay a $75 medical bill you will be sued. You’re a pretty smart guy and you know that the lawyer is just blowing smoke – he’s not really going to sue you for […]

Sued By NCO Financial Systems, Inc. In New York or New Jersey?

By: Robert J. Nahoum             THE PROBLEM: You have just been served was a summons and complaint.  NCO Financial Systems, Inc. or one of its affiliated companies is suing you for an old debt. WHO IS NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, INC.?: NCO Financial Systems, Inc. is an infamous “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from […]

Can Debt Collectors Call Me at Work?

By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: Times are tough for you as they are for so many of us these days.  You’ve fallen behind on bills and the debt collectors have been after you.  You get regular letters in the mail and your phone rings all the time.  Now, you’re getting those calls at work.  Even worse, the debt collectors are […]

Sued By Midland Funding, LLC In New York or New Jersey?

By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: You have just been served was a summons and complaint.  Midland Funding, LLC or one of its affiliated companies is suing you for an old debt. WHO IS MIDLAND FUNDING, LLC?: Midland Funding, LLC is an infamous “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies […]

Sued By Erin Capital Management, LLC In New York or New Jersey?

By: Robert J. Nahoum   THE PROBLEM: You have just been served was a summons and complaint.  Erin Capital Management, LLC is suing you for an old debt. WHO IS  ERIN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC?: Erin Capital Management, LLC is an infamous “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car […]