Sued By Retail Recovery Services of NJ In New York or New Jersey?

By: Robert J. Nahoum

A man in suit and tie with his arms crossed.


You have just been served was a summons and complaint.   Retail Recovery Services of NJ is suing you for an old debt.


Retail Recovery Services of NJ is an infamous "debt buyer", buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. The debt buyers then try to collect the full amount from consumers, plus interest, penalties, late fees, overdraft fees, attorney's fees and whatever other kinds of fees they can dream up.

While Retail Recovery Services of NJ has not actively filed debt collection cases in recent years, its legacy lives on in the form of default judgments entered against New York and New Jersey consumers.

Retail Recovery Services of NJ is an accused notorious violator of federal debt collection laws known as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and is sued regularly by consumers for these violations.   The FDCPA is a federal law that regulates the collection of consumer debts. It precludes third party debt collectors from using false, misleading, deceptive and harassing debt collection tactics.

Retail Recovery Services of NJ is usually represented in New York by the debt collection law-firm Forster & Garbus.   Like Retail Recovery Services of NJ, Forster & Garbus has been accused of and sued for violating the FDCPA.


To Retail Recovery Services of NJ, you the consumer are no more than an entry on a spreadsheet, you are data.   Unfortunately for Retail Recovery Services of NJ, entries on spreadsheets are not enough to win against you in court.

In a debt collection lawsuit, Retail Recovery Services of NJ always has the burden to prove that the consumer is responsible for the debt.   To meet this burden, Retail Recovery Services of NJ must prove that: (1) it has the right to sue you; (2) the debt is yours; and (3) you owe the amount for which you were sued.   It is never the burden of the consumer to prove that he or she does not owe the debt.

To meet its burden, the proof submitted by the Retail Recovery Services of NJ must be based on "personal knowledge".   Personal knowledge means that the person offering the evidence on behalf of Retail Recovery Services of NJ must be a witness to the event shown in a particular document.   For example, if credit card bills are offered into evidence on behalf of Retail Recovery Services of NJ, the person offering the evidence must have personal knowledge of how the information in the credit card bill got there, how it is generated and how it is maintained.   That person must have personal knowledge of the computer system and how it operates.   If this person does not have such personal knowledge, the evidence is "hearsay" and it cannot be used.

Remember, to Retail Recovery Services of NJ, you are just an entry on a spreadsheet.   For this reason, Retail Recovery Services of NJ routinely lacks the evidence necessary to prove its case and beat you in court.


If you've been sued by Retail Recovery Services of NJ in a debt collection lawsuit, consider hiring a qualified attorney experienced in debt defense.   The Law Offices of Robert J. Nahoum, P.C. routinely represents consumers in debt collection lawsuits brought by debt buyers Retail Recovery Services of NJ in New York and New Jersey.

As with all of our debt defense cases, The Law Offices of Robert J. Nahoum, P.C. analyzes debt collection cases brought by debt buyers like Retail Recovery Services of NJ to determine if any violations of the FDCPA have occurred.   If so, we recommend to our clients that suit be brought in Federal District Court on behalf of the consumer and against the debt buyer.

If a debt buyer like Retail Recovery Services of NJ violates the FDCPA, you can sue it for statutory damages up to $1,000.00 plus actual damages (like pain and suffering) and your attorney's fees.   In FDCPA cases, The Law Offices of Robert J. Nahoum, P.C. doesn't charge our clients a penny out of pocket.

If you need help settling or defending a debt collection lawsuit, stopping harassing debt collectors or suing a debt collector, contact us today to see what we can do for you.

The Law Offices of Robert J. Nahoum, P.C
(845) 232-0202

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