How Many New York Debt Collection Cases Did New Century Financial Services, Inc. File in 2013?


A man in suit and tie with his arms crossed.By: Robert J. Nahoum

New Century Financial Services, Inc. is an notorious “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar.

According to the New York State Unified Court System, New Century Financial Services, Inc. filed more than 10,300 New York debt collection lawsuits in 2013 alone.  These cases were filed in New York’s civil, city and small claims courts where debt collection cases are most often filed.

You may be asking – “having filed this many cases in New York alone, how can New Century Financial Services, Inc. be sure I owe them money?â€Â  The simple answer is they can’t.  To New Century Financial Services, Inc., you the consumer are no more than an entry on a spreadsheet, you are data.  Unfortunately for New Century Financial Services, Inc., entries on spreadsheets are not always enough to beat you in court.

In a debt collection lawsuit, New Century Financial Services, Inc. must prove that you are responsible for the debt.  To meet this burden, New Century Financial Services, Inc. must prove that: (1) it has the right to sue you; (2) that debt is yours; and (3) you owe the amount they sued you for.

Remember, to New Century Financial Services, Inc., you are just an entry on a spreadsheet.  For this reason, New Century Financial Services, Inc. routinely lacks the evidence necessary to prove its case and beat you in court.

New Century Financial Services, Inc. regularly makes debt collection phone calls from 973-753-9415, (888) 989-8300 and is located at:

110 South Jefferson Road, Suite 104
Whippany, NJ 0798

The Law Offices of Robert J. Nahoum, P.C
(845) 232-0202
[email protected]

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