Debt Buyer Unifund CCR, LLC Filed 3,597 NY Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum Unifund CCR, LLC, also known as Unifund CCR Partners, is an notorious collection agency and “junk debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old junk debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. According to the New York State Unified Court System, Unifund filed a modest […]

NY Debt Collection Law-Firm Rubin & Rothman LLC Filed 6,444 Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum Rubin & Rothman LLC is an infamous debt collection law-firm representing creditors, auto lenders, private for profit colleges and debt buyers. According to the New York State Unified Court System, Rubin & Rothman filed nearly 6,500 New York debt collection lawsuits in 2015 which is on par with the roughly 6,600 they filed in 2014.  Debt […]

Debt Collection Law-Firm Pressler and Pressler Filed 4,578 NY Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum Pressler and Pressler, LLP is an infamous debt collection law-firm representing creditors and junk debt buyers.  Debt buyers buy up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. Pressler and Pressler is most often identified as a New Jersey debt collection law […]

Debt Buyer Portfolio Recovery Associates Filed 9,184 New York Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC is an notorious “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. According to the New York State Unified Court System, Portfolio Recovery Associates filed 9,184 debt collection cases in 2015 which is less than […]

Debt Buyer New Century Financial Services, Inc. Filed 1,483 NY Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum New Century Financial Services, Inc. is an notorious “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. According to the New York State Unified Court System, New Century Financial Services filed 1,483 New York debt collection lawsuits in 2015 […]

Debt Buyer Midland Funding Filed 11,616 New York Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum Midland Funding, LLC is an notorious “debt buyer†power house, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. According to the New York State Unified Court System, Midland Funding, LLC filed nearly 12,000 New York debt collection lawsuits in 2015 […]

NY Debt Collection Law-Firm Stephen Einstein and Associates Handled Over 8,500 Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum Stephen Einstein & Associates was, until recently, a relatively small time player in the New York debt collection world.  2015 changed everything for Stephen Einstein & Associates when it took over all the debt collection operations of the infamous and embattled debt collection law-firm Mel S. Harris & Associates. Mel Harris & Associates was essentially put […]

Debt Buyer LVNV Funding LLC Filed 4,464 New York Debt Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum LVNV Funding LLC is an notorious “debt buyerâ€, buying up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. According to the New York State Unified Court System, LVNV Funding filed more than 4,400 New York debt collection lawsuits in 2015 alone.  Debt […]

NY Debt Collection Law Firm Forster & Garbus Filed 24,792 Debt Collection Cases In 2015

NY Debt Collection Law Firm Forster & Garbus Filed 24,792 Debt Collection Cases In 2015 By: Robert J. Nahoum Forster & Garbus, LLP is an infamous debt collection law-firm representing creditors and debt buyers.  Debt buyers buy up portfolios of old debt from banks, credit card companies, hospitals, doctors, cell phone companies and car companies for pennies on the dollar. […]

NY Debt Collection Law-Firm Selip & Stylianou Filed 14,108 Collection Cases In 2015

By: Robert J. Nahoum The infamous debt collection law-firm Selip & Stylianou, LLP has a very busy year in 2015.  In what many believe was an attempt to escape its heinous reputation for abusing consumers, it changed its name from “Cohen & Slamowitz†to “Selip & Stylianouâ€.  What you call this debt collection mill is off little concern to the […]