By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: Three scenarios might have led you this article: You have just been notified by your bank that your account has been frozen because there is a debt collection judgment against you by some company called Tribeca Asset Management LLC. You've received a notice from your County Sheriff or a New York City Marshall that […]
NY Debt Collection Law Firm Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere Filed 1,149 Collection Cases In 2016
By: Robert J. Nahoum Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere P.C, formally known as Daniels Norelli Golden & Wexler, is an infamous debt collection law-firm representing creditors and junk debt buyers in debt collection cases throughout New York. According to the New York State Unified Court System, Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere filed only 1,149 New York debt collection lawsuits in […]
NY Debt Collection Law Firm Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere Filed 2,798 Collection Cases In 2015
By: Robert J. Nahoum Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere P.C, formally known as Daniels Norelli Golden & Wexler, is an infamous debt collection law-firm representing creditors and junk debt buyers in debt collection cases throughout New York. According to the New York State Unified Court System, Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere filed 2,798 New York debt collection lawsuits in 2015 […]
What is a Good Settlement with Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere P.C?
By: Robert J. Nahoum The notorious debt collection law firm Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere P.C has sued you for an old debt that they bought from an original creditor. You are considering whether to fight them or to reach a reasonable settlement and get on with your life. You now have to determine how much is a good settlement […]
What is a Good Settlement with Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere P.C.?
By: Robert J. Nahoum The notorious debt collection law firm Daniels, Norelli, Scully & Cecere has sued you for an old debt that they bought from an original creditor. You are considering whether to fight them or to reach a reasonable settlement and get on with your life. You now have to determine how much is a good settlement with […]