Calling a Consumer Debtor a Liar May Violate the FDCPA

By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: A debt collector has got you on the phone; you truthfully tell him that you simply don’t have the money to pay and he crudely and obnoxiously calls you a liar.  Can he get away with it? The Rule: Under federal debt collection laws known as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA for short), […]

Repeated Hang Ups May Violate the FDCPA

By: Robert J. Nahoum THE PROBLEM: You are being hounded by debt collectors, the debt collection calls are coming fast and furious but one of the callers repeatedly hangs up either prior to or as soon as you or your voice mail answers the call.  Due to the hang ups, you don’t know the identity of the debt collector or the […]